
demonstrasi di dpr 3 maret 2010.

Jl Thamrin


The hallway of Medicine Department of University of Indonesia, Salemba, Jakarta, May 2009.

Koridor di kampus Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Salemba, Jakarta, Mei 2009.

Afternoon at Monas

Jakartans playing soccer at Monas square, Jakarta, July 16, 2009. Monas (Monumen Nasional/National Monument) is the landmark of Jakarta and one of the few open spaces for public activities in the city.

Warga Jakarta bermain bola di silang Monas, Jakarta, 16 Juli 2009. Monas (Monumen Nasional) adalah ciri khas Jakarta dan merupakan satu dari sedikit ruang terbuka yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan publik di kota ini.

Ice Cream Vendor at Marunda

A vendor selling ice cream scoop for Rp 1000 each (about US$0.1) at Marunda, Jakarta, May 30, 2009. Marunda is the last public beach in Jakarta which requires no entry fee. Despite having rocky shoreline, close proximity to industrial area, and polluted water, the site attracts many people, especially from middle to low class economy to relax at the weekends.
Seorang pedagang menjual es krim seharga Rp 1000 per porsi di Marunda, Jakarta, 30 Mei 2009. Marunda adalah pantai publik terakhir di Jakarta yang tidak memerlukan tarif masuk. Meskipun memiliki pantai berbatu, jarak yang dekat dengan kawasan industri, dan air yang tercemar, pantai ini menarik banyak orang, terutama dari kelompok ekonomi menengah ke bawah untuk berekreasi di akhir pekan.

Old Batavia Shadow

Reflection of a passerby in Jakarta History Museum, Jakarta Kota, May 30, 2009. The Kota Tua (Old Town) area is popular as tourist site because there are old buildings which dates back to the Dutch colonialism in 17th to 19th century. In times of Batavia (the Dutch colonial city which later became Jakarta), Kota Tua is the center of the city government.

Bayangan seorang pengunjung di Museum Sejarah Jakarta, Jakarta Kota, 30 Mei 2009. Wilayah Kota Tua Jakarta populer sebagai tempat wisata karena disini terdapat bangunan-bangunan tua peninggalan penjajah Belanda dari abad ke 17 hingga 19. Pada jaman Batavia, wilayah Kota Tua adalah pusat pemerintahan Batavia pada masa kolonial Belanda.

Sindangbarang Paddy Fields

Paddy fields at Sindangbarang village, Bogor, West Java, August 16, 2009. The farmers here uses IR strain rice which can be harvested three times a year.

Sawah di desa Sindangbarang, Bogor, West Java, 16 Agustus 2009. Petani disini memakai padi jenis IR yang dapat dipanen tiga kali setahun.

Bonapasogit Easter Jakarta 2009

Bonapasogit easter service at Senayan Sports Complex, Jakarta, Indonesia, May 3, 2009. Bonapasogit is the term for a community of Bataknese (a tribe of North Sumatra). The Bataknese is one of the tribes that comprise a major part of Indonesian Christians.

Perayaan Paskah Bonapasogit di Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia, 3 Mei 2009. Bonapasogit adalah istilah untuk komunitas suku Batak. Suku Batak adalah salah satu suku yang menyusun bagian besar dari pemeluk agama Kristiani di Indonesia.

Snapshot at Monas

A boy watching automated water sprinkler at Monas park, Jakarta, October 27, 2007.

Seorang anak mengamati penyemprotan air otomatis di taman Monas, Jakarta, 27 Oktober 2007.

Health Education

The children of Teluk Naga village, Tangerang, West Java enthusiastically follow the explanation about mouth sanitation from the volunteers, July 18, 2009.

Anak-anak desa Teluk Naga, Tangerang, Jawa Barat dengan antusias mengikuti penjelasan tentang kesehatan mulut dari sukarelawan (18 Juli 2009).

I'm ill...

There's something wrong with neck and upper spine. I feel pain in these areas. It's painful to move my arms and neck, to get up of bed is a struggle. Even deep breathing is painful. It's been going on since Thursday night. I haven't seen a doctor or take medicine. No intent of doing those. I just thought I need a rest for a few days and the pain will go away. It happened before.

So, mind you, the NUSA photo website update may be late.
But now, let me leave you with a photo for my next self project, the urban parks.

This is shrubs at Senayan park, Jakarta. Taken on March 2009.

Kampung Luar Batang

Small boats docked at Kampung Luar Batang, North Jakarta. These boats serve important functions for citizens, such as for rent by the tourists at the Sunda Kelapa Harbor and as daily transportation tool. Depicted in the photo is a man transporting sands for construction, heading from Sunda Kelapa Harbor towards the settlement. Jakarta, 24 May 2009.

Perahu-perahu berlabuh di Kampung Luar Batang, Jakarta Utara. Perahu-perahu ini memiliki fungsi penting bagi warga, di antaranya sebagai sarana wisata turis di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa dan arana transportasi. Tampak pada gambar seorang pria mengantar pasir dengan perahu dari arah Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa menuju kampung (24/5).

keywords: perahu, pelabuhan, sunda kelapa, jakarta, laut, kampung, luar batang, transportasi air, kemiskinan, kota, urban, boats, harbor, harbour, sea, settlement, poverty, water transportation

Nature At Work In The City

An Asian palm civet lying dead on the street at Tebet area, Jakarta, Indonesia, May 14th 2009. Asian palm civet is among the mammal species that inhabits the urban environment of Jakarta. They are nocturnal and often seen or heard on the roofs of houses. They eat primarily fruits and will eat smaller mammals or insects as well. In urban environment a civet may die of natural causes such as diseases, but may also risk from anthropogenic related death such as electrochution from wires, hit by vehicles or hunted. The individual civet depicted here shows no signs of damaged body. This may very well be nature's cycle of life surviving and being played out in urban setting.

Seekor musang luwak tergeletak mati di jalanan Tebet, Jakarta, Indonesia (14/5). Musang luwak adalah salah satu spesies hewan mamalia yang hidup di pemukiman Jakarta. Mereka aktif di malam hari dan sering didengar atau dilihat di genteng-genteng rumah. Mereka utamanya memakan buah-buahan, dan bisa memakan hewan mamalia yang lebih kecil atau serangga juga. Di lingkungan kota, musang dapat mati karena sebab-sebab alami seperti penyakit, tapi juga terancam dari kematian terkait manusia seperti tersengat listrik, tertabrak kendaraan, atau diburu. Individu musang yang difoto disini tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda tubuh rusak. Ini mungkin adalah siklus alam yang terus bertahan dan ditampilkan di latar perkotaan

Musang, Asian palm civet, Paradoxurus hermaphroditus (Carnivora: Viverridae).

keywords: civet, musang, hewan, animals, wildlife, city, urban, perkotaan, jalanan, mobil.

Keeping Thieves Away

To sustain security in areas of Jakarta, especially in rich neighborhood, often citizens build gates at the entrance streets to their neighborhood, even though this means closing the public streets illegally. Since March 2009, the issue of tearing down gates have been voiced by the Jakarta governor Fauzi Bowo, and now the realization is in its initial progress. There are no novel solutions offered to replace the gates in terms of security apparatus. Usually, the gates are closed on late night hours, but this particular gate at Tebet Timur Dalam 3A, South Jakarta street is closed even at 7.30 pm on Sunday (18 May).

For me, it tells about how people relate to their belongings and to other people. How people find security in their riches to a point that they could build "a small prison" to confine their home like that. It is more than about social gap. They themselves are trapped.

Portal Menahan Pencuri

Untuk meningkatkan keamanan permukiman, terutama permukiman mewah, seringkali warga membangun portal di jalan masuk kawasan rumah mereka, meski ini berarti menutup jalan umum secara ilegal. Sejak Maret 2009 wacana penertiban portal liar diangkat oleh pemerintah Jakarta, dan saat ini realisasinya masih dalam tahap awal. Masih belum jelas solusi baru yang diterapkan untuk menggantikan fungsi keamanan yang diberikan portal-portal itu. Biasanya portal ditutup mulai jam-jam larut malam, namun portal di jalan Tebet Timur Dalam 3A, Jakarta Selatan ini telah ditutup pada pukul 19.30 wib, Minggu (18/5).

Buat saya, perilaku ini mencerminkan bagaimana relasi manusia terhadap hartanya dan juga dengan orang lain. Tentang bagaimana manusia mengandalkan harta bendanya sampai membuat "penjara kecil" seperti itu bagi mereka. Ini lebih dari masalah kesenjangan sosial. Mereka sendiri terpenjara.

keyword: portals, gates, jalan, streets, jakarta

From The Bridge

Around the pedestrian bridge, the traffic of vehicle flows lazily, the pulse of urban life beats. This public facility is a spot that provides a point of view of every activities below it with unique angle and context. High enough to see the connections between objects and people, but low enough to see the drama they play. In the end, the bridge doesn't only connect one spot to another, but also one human to the others, and also the urban moments, the pulse of urban life.

This is an initial phase of a long term project.

{see full set of pictures here}

TAGS: transjakarta, street, vendor, cars, hawker, busway, sudirman, downtown, poverty

On The Streets Of Jakarta

These are picturesI captured (22 in total) from the Fotografer.net street shooting session in Jakarta on Jakarta, June 2008. This was the time I first got hooked on street photography. I mean, there is a universe of fascinating compositions and moments out there. Photographer just has figure out how to capture them, and for me, I need to decide also which are the most important ones to tell. As for Jakarta, the obiquitous theme I think is the issue of poverty. This theme is rarely invisible in photo series of Jakarta streets.

01. Istiqlal.

02. Of concept and reality.

03. Urban landscape.

04. River scavenger.

05. Where I sleep.

06. Peace.

07. Riverside.

08. Sun reflections.

09. Pattern reflections.

10. Where I sleep 2.

11. I'm coming home.

12. Lazy Sunday morning.

13. River scavenger.

14. Free as a bird.

15. Daymare.

16. My schizophreny.

17. A slice of reality.

18. Monkey band.

19. The moment that defines a monkey.

20. Home sweet home.

21. Where to, development?

22. Ministry of Industry and Trade.

TAG: hunting, buildings, reflections, monkey, mask, dance, vendor, tower, poverty, homeless, poor, river, residents, statue, construction, bridge, panning, shapes, sleep, dream, transjakarta, busway, framing, scavenger, death, bed trees, raft, trash, garbage, sewage, yawning, chains, sun, bridge, walking, bird, candid

Adventures of Ucrit

These are from Kota Tua (Old Town), the famous shooting spot for photographers. Ucrit (a fictional name) was playing with his brother there. I'm not sure what they were playing. Most probably it was plastic bottle attached to a thread, having fun with it by dragging it around. That is the fun part of childhood, I think. You can play with even the simplest things. There are no judgement, no prejudices. Ucrit's fun moments was so pleasing to witness that I put down my camera and just enjoyed the moment. Watching them laugh and play. The pictures are what is left of those moments.
Fatahillah Park, Kota, Jakarta, 2008, Canon PS S2 IS.

TAG: fun, child, play, boy, panning


Hello! Welcome to NUSA photo Blog!

This blog will contain photos created by NUSA photo which are not classified in any photo essays or are photo series but not featured in NUSA photo main website. This blog is a complementary site to NUSA photo site (which is not officially launched yet). At the moment, NUSA photo is me, Nugroho Budianggoro.

Next several blog posts will be photos from my previous shoots, that may have been published in my other personal websites.

Do enjoy this site!

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Halo! Selamat datang di blog NUSA photo!

Blog ini akan berisi foto yang dibuat NUSA photo yang belum dimasukkan dalam foto esai apapun atau seri foto tapi yang tidak dimasukkan di situs utama NUSA photo. Blog ini adalah pelengkap situs utama NUSA photo (yang belum resmi diluncurkan). Saat ini, NUSA photo adalah saya, Nugroho Budianggoro.

Beberapa artikel selanjutnya adalah foto-foto dari pemotretan saya di masa lalu, yang mungkin sudah dipasang di situs pribadi saya lainnya.

Selamat menikmati situs ini!

Single Photos: 30 April 2009

These are several interesting juxtaposition I captured a couple of months back. "The flocking shutterbugs" is an exception, though.

The ideal vs the absolute truth. Margo City, Depok 2009

Flocking shutterbugs. Margo City, Depok 2009

The Happy Life?. Margo City, Depok 2009

Human face of avian influenza. Pasar Baru, Jakarta.

TAG: woman, model, photoshoot, exhibition, motorcycle, reflections, candid, moment, face, sad