Reflection of a passerby in Jakarta History Museum, Jakarta Kota, May 30, 2009. The Kota Tua (Old Town) area is popular as tourist site because there are old buildings which dates back to the Dutch colonialism in 17th to 19th century. In times of Batavia (the Dutch colonial city which later became Jakarta), Kota Tua is the center of the city government.Bayangan seorang pengunjung di Museum Sejarah Jakarta, Jakarta Kota, 30 Mei 2009. Wilayah Kota Tua Jakarta populer sebagai tempat wisata karena disini terdapat bangunan-bangunan tua peninggalan penjajah Belanda dari abad ke 17 hingga 19. Pada jaman Batavia, wilayah Kota Tua adalah pusat pemerintahan Batavia pada masa kolonial Belanda.
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